Saturday, November 24, 2012

Incident of fire
Four die in fire in Medan -- (Empat meninggal dalam kebakaran di Medan )

·         Four people died when a blaze destroyed a house on Jl. Gandhi, Medan, North Sumatra, early on Tuesday morning.
( Empat orang tewas ketika kebakaran menghancurkan sebuah rumah di Jl. Gandhi, Medan, Sumatera Utara, pada Selasa pagi.)
·         Suandi Akuang, 64, Poliana, 60, Joni, 35, and Johan, 32, were reportedly trapped inside the three-story house when flames took hold of the building at around 4:15 a.m.
( Suandi Akuang, 64, Poliana, 60, Joni, 35, dan Johan, 32, dilaporkan terjebak di dalam rumah berlantai tiga ketika api memegang bangunan sekitar pukul 04:15 )

·         “From the third floor, big flames quickly spread to other floors. The residents were unable to get themselves out,” Amsal, a witness, said on Tuesday.
( "Dari lantai tiga, api besar dengan cepat menyebar ke lantai lain. Para warga tidak mampu untuk mendapatkan diri mereka keluar, "kata Amsal, saksi, Selasa.)

·         Several fire trucks arrived soon after the blaze broke out but firefighters did not get the fire fully under control until 5:30 a.m. The victims’ remains were taken to Pringadi Hospital.
( Beberapa truk pemadam kebakaran tiba segera setelah kebakaran terjadi, tetapi petugas pemadam kebakaran tidak mendapatkan api sepenuhnya di bawah kontrol sampai 5:30 pagi jenazah korban 'dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Pringadi.)

·         The Medan Police are currently investigating the cause of the fire. (yps/lfr)
(Polisi Medan sedang menyelidiki penyebab kebakaran. (yps / LFR) )

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Alleged bomb plot

Alleged bomb plot against urban centre highlights threat posed by militant activity in Basilan, south-western Mindanao
( dugaan bom terhadap ancaman pusat perkotaan yang ditimbulkan oleh aktivitas militan di Basilan, Mindano selatan-Barat )

An announcement by the police on 11 November stating that they had arrested three members of the militant Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), who were allegedly planning a bomb attack in an urban center, is a reminder of the credible risks posed by militant activity originating from the southern and western parts of Mindanao island, where the risks associated with travel are rated as HIGH.

The detention of the three suspects was announced by the police in the island province of Basilan, a traditional ASG stronghold. The police said they had also seized two motorcycles from the group – one of which was rigged with explosives – and small arms.

( sebuah pernyataan dari polisi pada tanggal 11 november yang menyatakan bahwa mereka telah menangkap tiga anggota dari militan Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), yang diduga sedang merencanakan serangan bom dipusat kota, merupakan sebuah peringatan dari resiko yg dpt dipercaya yang ditimbulkan oleh aktivitas militan yang berasal  dari bagian selatan dan barat pulau Mindanao, dimana resiko yg terkait dengan perjalanan dinila tinggi )


 The urban center that the group had allegedly intended to target is presently unclear. Anti-terrorism operations have significantly diminished the capability of local militant groups such as ASG to operate outside Mindanao. However, ASG retains the capability to operate in Mindanao's urban areas. These locations are susceptible to low-level opportunistic attacks, and given that the explosive device was mounted on a motorbike and discovered in Basilan, it appears that a city on that island, or potentially Zamboanga City (Zamboanga peninsula, Mindanao) would be the most likely target. While the motorcycle-borne device appears to match ASG's tactic of using small-scale bombings to primarily target the homes and offices of wealthy businessmen (largely for extortion purposes), the organisation continues to espouse a radical Islamist ideology, and attacks against soft targets such as transport hubs, crowded shopping and entertainment venues, and Christian religious gatherings in urban areas of Mindanao cannot be entirely ruled out.
The arrest of two ASG militants in Zamboanga City in mid-October would seem to further support suggestions that the group intends to conduct attacks against public targets; unconfirmed reports suggested that the pair were planning to carry out an attack against civilian sites in the city during a local Catholic festival. As such, travellers in urban areas of Mindanao are reminded to exercise heightened situational awareness at all times; on detecting suspicious behaviour or packages, personnel should vacate the area immediately and report the information to a member of the security forces.

Avoid all travel to Basilan and the Sulu Archipelago due to risks posed by insurgent and associated criminal activity. Travel to most of Mindanao is viable, but travel to areas of insurgency in south-western Mindanao should be for essential purposes only; seek itinerary- and profile-specific advice prior to travel.
There is a credible risk of attack by either domestic or transnational terrorists. Government personnel and buildings, military personnel and facilities, public transport and crowded shopping and entertainment venues are likely targets. Be alert to suspicious behavior and report any suspect packages to the authorities.
The above advice is not exhaustive; seek itinerary-specific advice prior to travel in Philippines.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pengejaran teroris di Makasar

Dua Terduga Teroris Lolos dari Kejaran Polisi
MAKASSAR, - Dua terduga teroris yang kabur (melarikan diri) ke area persawahan di Desa Pammanjengan, Kecamatan Moncongloe, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan lolos dari pengejaran Detasemen Khusus (Densus) 88 Anti Teror dan Brigade Mobil (Brimob) Polda Sulsel. "Keduanya belum berhasil diringkus," kata Kepala Satuan (Kasat) Brimob, Komisaris Besar (Kombes) Ramdani Hidayat. Aparat gagal menangkap keduanya dalam pengejaran sejak pukul 15.40 Wita. Kedua terduga teroris diduga satu komplotan dengan Awaluddin, pelaku pelemparan bom pipa ke arah Gubernur Sulsel, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, saat acara gerak jalan santai dalam rangka HUT Golkar, Minggu (11/11/2012) pagi tadi.

Makassar, Two suspected terorrists who fled to area of rice fields  in Pammanjengan village, Moncongloe district, Maros Regency-South Sulawesi had escaped from persecution Detachment 88 Anti-Terrorism and Brigade (Brimob) Police South Sulawesi. they had not succesfully arrrested," said Head of Unit (Adj) Brimob Commissioner  Ramdani Hidayat. the police officer failed to capture them in the chase since at 15:40 pm.

Namun, motor matic merek Yamaha Mio yang digunakan kedua pelaku ditinggalkan begitu saja dan langsung disita oleh aparat kepolisian. Saat dikejar polisi, senjata api miliknya sempat terjatuh. Namun, mereka bisa mengambilnya lagi dan sempat menembak ke arah polisi yang mengejarnya. Ada puluhan personel kepolisian yang melakukan pengejaran terhadap kedua terduga teroris di perbatasan Makassar-Maros itu. Menurut informasi yang diperoleh, sempat pula aparat kepolisian terlibat baku tembak dengan kedua terduga teroris tersebut. Keduanya kabur membawa sebuah kantong plastik putih yang tidak dietahui isinya. Sebelumnya, Syahrul Yasin Limpo lolos dari lemparan bom pipa berdaya ledak tinggi (high explosive). Satu pelaku bernama Awaluddin (25) ditangkap.

Pelemparan ini terjadi, saat Syahrul sedang bernyanyi di panggung dalam rangka gerak jalan santai HUT Partai Golkar di depan Monumen Mandala, Jl Jendral Sudirman yang dihadiri 160.000 peserta, Minggu pagi. Dari penangkapan awaluddin, polisi mengejar dua pelaku yang diduga bagian dari komplotan. Pelaku diduga bagian dari jaringan teroris Poso yang sengaja memanfaatkan situai politik yang memanas jelang pilkada.

bomb attack

S. Sulawesi governor attacked by bomb

The homemade bomb took the form of a 200-gram pipe containing a five-centimeter nail, 40 small nails and explosive material, according to the spokesman.

--- Sulawesi Utara, juru bicara polisi Adj. Sr. Comr. Endi Sutendi mengatakan bahwa Polisi telah menangkap penyerang bom itu, di identifikasikan sebagai AW, alias LR, 25, setelah dia melempar bom dan dipukuli oleh masyarakat. Bom rakitan berupa pipa 200-gram yang mengandung paku lima sentimeter, 40 kuku kecil dan bahan peledak, menurut juru bicara itu.

3). “The bomb has been taken to the forensics lab for analysis,” Endi said.
He suspected AW as a member of the terrorist group that had launched a series of attacks in Poso, Central Sulawesi, since August, including an explosion at a traffic police post in Poso in October and the killing of two police officers whose bodies were found in Tamanjeka hamlet in Poso.

--- bom tersebut telah dibawa ke Laboratorium Forensik untuk dianalisis, ungkap Endi.
Dia menyangka/menduga AW sebagai anggota dari kelompok teroris yg melancarkan serangkaian serangan diPoso, Sulawesi Tengah, sejak bulan Agustus, termasuk sebuah ledakan di pos Polisi lalu lintas di Poso pada bulan Oktober dan membunuh 2 petugas polisi yg tubuhnya ditemukan di dusun Tamanjeka - poso

4). Endi reasoned that the shape of the bomb used by AW was similar with the bombs used by the group.
Makassar Police chief Sr. Comr. Joseph Wisnu Sandjaja, meanwhile, said that AW had confessed that there were two other perpetrators at the scene of the attack.

--- reaksi Endi bahwa bentuk bom yg digunakan oleh AW mirip dengan bom yg digunakan oleh group itu. Makassar Police chief Sr. Comr. Joseph Wisnu Sandjaja, sementara itu, dia mengatakan bahwa AW telah mengaku ada dua pelaku lainnya dilokasi/tempat serangan itu.

5). Joseph, however, said that he had not been able to determine whether the attack was linked to the upcoming gubernatorial election, slated to be held on Jan. 22 next year.
Backed by the Golkar Party and a coalition of seven parties, Syahrul is slated to run for a second term, along with his running mate, Agus Arifin Nu'mang.

--- Joseph, meskipun dia mengatakan bahwa ia belum bisa menentukan apakah serangan itu terkait dengan pemilihan gubernur mendatang, yang dijadwalkan akan diadakan pada tanggal 22 Januari tahun depan.
yang didukung oleh Partai Golkar dan  tujuh koalisi partai, Syahrul dijadwalkan untuk mencalonkan diri untuk masa jabatan kedua, bersama dengan pasangannya, Agus Arifin Nu'mang

6). They will compete with two other pairs of candidates, namely incumbent Makassar Mayor Ilham Arief Sirajuddin and Regional Representatives Council member Aziz Qahhar Mudzakkar, and incumbent Sinjai Regent Andi Rudiyanto Asapa and former Pinrang regent Andi Nawir Pasinringi. (han/iwa)

---- Mereka akan bersaing dengan dua pasangan calon lain, yaitu Pejabat Makassar Walikota Ilham Arief Sirajuddin dan anggota Dewan Perwakilan Daerah Aziz Qahhar Mudzakkar, dan Pejabat Bupati Sinjai Andi Rudiyanto Asapa dan mantan Bupati Pinrang Andi Nawir Pasinringi. (han / iwa)

1. - anniversary            : peringatan
    - commemoration   

2.  nab                              : menangkap/memenjarakan
     assailant                      : (si) penyerang
     beaten up                     : di/memukuli, babakbelur
     The homemade bomb : bom rakitan
     explosive material      : bahan peledak

3. suspected                    : menyangka/menduga
    launched                      : melancarkan
    a series of attacks       : serangkaian serangan
    Tamanjeka hamlet       : dusun Tamanjeka

4. confess                                 : mengaku
   other perpetrators                 : pelaku lainnya 
   at the scene of the attack       : dilokasi/tempat serangan itu.
5. was linked to   :  terkait dengan

    the upcoming  : mendatang
    gubernatorial election         : pemilihan gubernur 
   Backed          : yang didukung
   run for a second term    : mencalonkan diri untuk masa jabatan kedua
  is slated          :  dijadwalkan / direncanakan

6.  incumbent : Pejabat/menjabat . berkuasa/penguasa. berkewajiban
    regent     : Bupati