Saturday, November 24, 2012

Incident of fire
Four die in fire in Medan -- (Empat meninggal dalam kebakaran di Medan )

·         Four people died when a blaze destroyed a house on Jl. Gandhi, Medan, North Sumatra, early on Tuesday morning.
( Empat orang tewas ketika kebakaran menghancurkan sebuah rumah di Jl. Gandhi, Medan, Sumatera Utara, pada Selasa pagi.)
·         Suandi Akuang, 64, Poliana, 60, Joni, 35, and Johan, 32, were reportedly trapped inside the three-story house when flames took hold of the building at around 4:15 a.m.
( Suandi Akuang, 64, Poliana, 60, Joni, 35, dan Johan, 32, dilaporkan terjebak di dalam rumah berlantai tiga ketika api memegang bangunan sekitar pukul 04:15 )

·         “From the third floor, big flames quickly spread to other floors. The residents were unable to get themselves out,” Amsal, a witness, said on Tuesday.
( "Dari lantai tiga, api besar dengan cepat menyebar ke lantai lain. Para warga tidak mampu untuk mendapatkan diri mereka keluar, "kata Amsal, saksi, Selasa.)

·         Several fire trucks arrived soon after the blaze broke out but firefighters did not get the fire fully under control until 5:30 a.m. The victims’ remains were taken to Pringadi Hospital.
( Beberapa truk pemadam kebakaran tiba segera setelah kebakaran terjadi, tetapi petugas pemadam kebakaran tidak mendapatkan api sepenuhnya di bawah kontrol sampai 5:30 pagi jenazah korban 'dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Pringadi.)

·         The Medan Police are currently investigating the cause of the fire. (yps/lfr)
(Polisi Medan sedang menyelidiki penyebab kebakaran. (yps / LFR) )

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